
Friday 10 January 2014

New Year, New Start, New Favours…

Hey Guys and Gals,

It’s 2014 yaaay, this year I graduate – arggghh. I hope all of you had an amazing Christmas and I’m really sorry I didn’t post a blog at the end of December, I was running around like a headless chicken so completely forgot, but I’m back and hopefully have my brain in gear now J So how have you all been? I hope you all had a nice relaxing break and got to do everything you wanted to. I FINALLLLLLY got some time to relax which was really nice and I spent a lot of time with my family and friends who I haven’t seen for ages.

It’s scary to think that this term is my last term as an undergraduate student, well this is providing I actually pass haha, but fingers crossed that all goes to plan. This year for Christmas I got lots of little bits which I asked for like tickets to Jersey Boys, going to the Elephant Lodge in Port Lymphe zoo with my boyfriend and his family, and having tea with the tigers – which basically means me feeding tigers, lions and cheetahs – which I’m beyond excited about, because as you might have gathered I love animals.

Lots of big changes are going to be happening this year for me, which absolutely terrifies me haha. First, I will be flying the nest and will hopefully be moving into a flat in the summer, I can’t cook so that is going to be a nightmare lol. Obviously I’ve got the course coming to an end which I am actually really sad about cause I love it so much, but hopefully I will get onto the masters programme here, so I may be a student for another three years. There is also the fact that in March I’m going to be 21 J

I have another BIG favour to ask you guys, as you know for Psychology we have to recruit our participants. My friend Jack Driver is currently recruiting for his research project which will only take a few minutes and you can complete it online. Just click the link, to complete the survey

You guys were absolutely brilliant for me, so if you get a spare few minutes he’d really appreciate your help.

Speak to you soon guys,



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